The odor! It's time to brush after data? There is no reason for us to know how
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The odor! It's time to brush after data? There is no reason for us to know how

The breath (bad breath) Name of Medical hyalitosisa (Halitosis). Find out the reason for hyalitosisa guloh

1. The main cause of mouth bacteria byakateriyah. There are more than 600 types of bacteria in our mouths. If data is not regularly brush their breath they drew.

2. What is dry mukhah Surprised? This is Xerostemia (Dry Mouth). dry mouth because your mouth odor. You wake up in the morning after you have been bad, it's - it can reduce emissions ghumale his saliva, the mouth becomes dry. Due to the lack of saliva and dry mouth bacteria reproduce in your mouth can bere, which creates a bad smell.

This is why you will notice how your data is bad, the yeye Brush did not give interviews.

Those who spoke a long time, such as teachers, lawyers or our smamanita leader - netrigana. They often suffer from odor problems.

The. Khadyah
some of the food that comes in the face of the odor. Piyaja all of whom are very easy to identify the rasuna done.
Muller figure a convenience, and the skin with a gun in the attack on Muller's all very familiar with. I Know How She may be the face patheo Muller.
Muller or any kind of food we are khelei our blood stream. The blood goes into the lungs when we breathe with the mouth moves. This spread of Muller and other food that's bad, and
they had brought a bad smell in your mouth.

3. Osudhah
osudherai is something almost all of the side effects. It is very common for a dry mouth. It is the breath.

4. Datera rogah
dental disease is bad because a lot of the time. The disease is more bad gums.

5. Sainusaitisa (Sinusitis)
Sinusitis If you have a problem, even in the face of the bad smell can be.

6. Other physical rogah
a variety of physical disorders that can cause odor in your mouth. Including liver disease, kidney disease, respiratory disease significantly.

7. Bayasah
your age, and your face is bad! If you see the target, the smell is a sweet young face, that you do not have. He will continue to increase with age, the face will be katu gandhatao. The reason for this is not known, however, is still the best way.

Finally I would say, if the odor does not neglected. Soon contact with doctors and dentists. Because your mouth odor may be hidden behind a terrible disease!


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